Saturday, May 25, 2013

Grammar: Past Simple (Irregular verbs)

Make the past simple:  

1. She ............(bring) some chocolates to the party.
2. I ......... (hear) a new song on the radio.
3. I ......... (read) three books last week.
4. They ....... (speak) French to the waitress.
5. He ........ (understand) during the class, but now he doesn't
6. I ......... (forget) to buy some milk.
7. She .......... (have) a baby in June.
8. You ......... (lose) your keys last week.
9. They ......... (swim) 500m.
10. I ..........(give) my mother a CD for Christmas.
11. At the age of 23, she ....... (become) a doctor.
12. I ....... (know) the answer yesterday.
13. He ......... (tell) me that he lived in Toronto.
14. We .......... (lend) John £200.
15. She ........... (drink) too much coffee yesterday.
16. The children ........... (sleep) in the car.
17. He ............ (keep) his promise.
18. I ......... (choose) the steak for dinner.
19. The film ......... (begin) late.
20. We ..........  (fly) to Sydney.
21. They ............ (drive) to Beijing.
22. He ............ (teach) English at the University.
23. I ............ (send) you an e-mail earlier.
24. We .............. (leave) the house at 7 a.m..
25. He .................. (feel) terrible after eating the prawns

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