Wednesday, May 15, 2013


1. What is Stuart planning to do with his friends?
A. go for a drive and have a picnic

B. watch a football game

C. see a movie and have dinner

2. Why does Amy say she can't go with them?
A. She has to study for an exam.

B. She doesn't have any spending money.

C. She already has plans to attend a party.

3. What are they planning to do at the end of the evening?
A. watch a video

B. have a party

C. play some games

4. How is Amy getting to the activity?
A. She's driving her car.

B. Stuart is giving her a ride.

C. She's taking the bus.

5. What time does Amy want to be home?
A. at 10:30 p.m.

B. at 11:30 p.m.

C. at midnight

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